Model AVX01BT3CL3
The transmitters included with the system have been pre-programmed at
the factory, with each button pre-assigned to control a specific function of
the system. Although the system in the vehicle has either a 3, 4, or 5 channel
RECEIVER, depending on the model, the transmitters included with the
system are 7 channel transmitters. This allows you to program each
transmitter to more than one vehicle in two car families and also allows you
to change which button or buttons control certain functions of the system.
(Example: Transmitter channel 5, shown below, can be programmed to
activate Receiver channel 2.) Refer to the chart below for access to each of
the transmitter channels, and for the standard factory button assignments.
Remote Arm
* Remote Emergency Panic
**Remote Door Lock
*Remote Emergency Panic
***Remote Unlock Drivers Door
**Remote Unlock All Doors
Push And Hold For 3 Seconds For Opt1
Release, Push 2 Times For Aux. Out.
**** Pulsed Output for Accessories
**** Switched Output for Accessories
**** RF
**** RF
* Remote Emergency Panic is available only on certain models.
** Door Lock/Unlock may require additional components in certain vehicles.
*** Unlock Driver Door or Unlock All Doors May Require Additional Components
**** Some of the more common accessories for these additional channels are;
AS 9075
AS 9256
AS 9154
AS 9153
Remote Car Starter
Remote Trunk Release Relay
Remote Garage Door Interface
Remote Window Roll Up
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Released 7-25-01.
The chirp tone confirms that programming ofchannel 1 was successful.
Upto4transmitterscanbeprogrammed, pressandholdtheselected
button of each additional transmitter until the chirp tone is heard, or
move to step #5
(b) You can assign the Lock/Unlock, Arm/Disarm button, by pressing
and holding the lock/unlock button until the siren emits a long chirp
The chirp tone confirms that programming of channel 1 was
successful. Up to 4 transmitters can be programmed, press and hold
the selected button of each additional transmitter until the chirp tone
is heard, or press and release the valet pushbutton switch two times
to advance to step #8.
Press and release the valet/override switch one time to advance to
channel 2.
6. (a) The dash mounted LED will flash 2 times, and the siren will "chirp"
2 times indicating that the system is ready to accept programming for
channel 2. Unlock/2nd Unlock, Disarm, and Panic. Press and hold
the Unlock button on your keychain transmitter until the siren emits
a long chirp tone. This confirms that programming of channel 2
was successful. Up to 4 transmitters can be programmed, press
and hold the selected button of each additional transmitter until the
chirp tone is heard.
(b) Press and release the valet/override switch 1 time then move onto
step #7 or.
Press and release the valet/override switch one time to advance to
channel 3.
The dash mounted LED will flash 3 times, and the siren will "chirp"
3 times, indicating that the system is ready to accept programming
for channel 3. Trunk Release Output, (where so equipped), or
alternate channel output when used.
9. (a) Press and hold the Opt. button on your keychain transmitter until the
siren emits a long chirp tone. This confirms that programming of
channel 3 was successful. Up to 4 transmitters can be programmed,
press and hold the selected button of each additional transmitter until
the chirp tone is heard.
(b) Press and hold the 1st Opt. button on your keychain transmitter until
the siren emits a long chirp tone. This confirms that programming of
channel 3 was successful. Up to 4 transmitters can be programmed,
press and hold the selected button of each additional transmitter until
the chirp tone is heard.
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Press and release the valet/override switch one time to advance to
channel 4 if so equipped. If your system does not have a 4th channel,
a long chirp followed by a short chirp tone will indicate that the
program mode has been exited.
ThedashmountedLED willflash4times andsirenwill"chirp"4times
indicating that the system is ready to accept programming of channel 4.
12. (a)Press and hold any combination of two buttons simultaneously, until
the siren emits a long chirp tone. This confirms that programming of
channel 4 was successful. Up to 4 transmitters can be programmed,
press and hold the selected button of each additional transmitter until
the chirp tone is heard.
(b)Press and hold the remaining Opt. button of the transmitter until the
siren emits a long chirp tone. This confirms that programming of
channel 4 was successful. Up to 4 transmitters can be programmed,
press and hold the selected button of each additional transmitter until
the chirp tone is heard.
or press and release the push button switch to exit the programming
or turn the ignition switch off to exit the programming mode.
The siren emits a long followed by a short chirp tone indicating that the
program mode has been exited.
NOTE: If programming to a Keyless Entry (non alarm) unit, there will be
NO chirp indication.
You can program any individual channel, without reprogramming all
channels, by following the quick reference chart below. (Not All Units Have
4 Channels)
Press and Release 3 Times
1 Flash
Press and Release 4 Times
Press and Release 5 Times
Press and Release 6 Times
2 Flashes
3 Flashes
4 Flashes
After the desired channel is programmed, turn the ignition key to the off
position to exit programming mode.
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The transmitter incorporates a small red LED visible through the case. This
LED can be used to indicate battery condition. You will notice a decrease
in transmitter range as the battery condition deteriorates. Transmitter
battery replacement is recommended at least every 10 to 12 months,
depending upon how frequently the transmitter is used.
To replace the battery...
1. Remove the transmitter cover by removing the small screw from the back
of the transmitter case.
2. Remove the discharged battery, making note of the orientation of the +
and - contacts, and dispose of properly.
3. Install the new (type GP23A) battery, taking care to orient the + and -
contacts properly.
4. Replace the transmitter cover, taking care not to damage the LED or
switches on the circuit board.
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IMPORTANT: To help us expedite your order, please print all of the
information legibly, and mail this form and your payment according to the
instructions below. Please indicate which button pad is used with your
transmitter as indicated above.
Transmitter model number is found on rear case.___________________
1. Name : _________________________________________________
Address : __ ___________________________________________
City : ___________________ State : ______ Zip Code : __________
2. Telephone Number : (________) _____________________________
3. Enter the total number of transmitters required here : _____________
4. The cost per transmitter is $ 65.00.
5. Enter the total amount enclosed here : ________________________
( New York state residents must include the appropriate sales tax. )
6. Method of payment; check one of the boxes below.
ꢀMastercard ꢀVisa ꢀCheck or money order * (do not send cash)
* Make checks payable to Audiovox Corporation
7. Credit Card Number : ______________________________________
8. Credit Card Expiration Date : __________________________
Credit card purchasers can order additional or replacement
transmitters by phone. Simply dial 1 - 800 - 645 - 4994, and
ꢁfollow the instructions from the operator interface.
9. Mail this form, and your check, to ;
. . 11788
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